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Ultimate Investor Update Ep. 12 – how do you trade stocks using the VIX

a woman with a shocked look on her face

Okay, how do you trade stocks using the VIX? Put this on a sticky note and paste it to your monitor. If stocks rise along with the VIX, take defensive measures.

During October once we’d past the seasonal weakness, the VIX steadily declined as stocks rallied (first blue bar). This setup is music to my ears. This relationship, VIX down and stocks up, is a dynamic where traders feel comfortable. On the flip side, when the VIX rises and stocks do as well (second and third blue bar), it’s usually time to tighten up your risk exposure. To be sure, tightening up stops or squaring positions would be a prudent move.

The chart below provides a pictorial view last week’s VIX WARNING SIGNS prior to the big drop of November 26th. Happy Thanksgiving with a textbook stock correction and 6% inflation.

Indeed, if you were to take a step back and look, you’d see the setup.

how to trade stocks using the vix
Reduce risk if the VIX rises along with stock prices. Easy to type, hard to actually do!


So, how do you trade stocks using the VIX? In short, tighten up your risk management when you see the VIX and STOCKS up at same time. Now, I’m watching to see if the SPX can recapture the 55 day moving average. Going forward, I’m still running with the hypothesis that stocks are still in a bull market. But, policy changes at the FED need to monitored closely. For now, liquidity is still abundant, so stocks can rally.


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