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Core CPI snuffs peak inflation hopes

Core CPI snuffs peak inflation hopes, including mine. Last month I wrote about the possibility inflation had peaked, you can read that post here. Unfortunately, today’s monthly CPI data release by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics sets a new inflation record.

The inflation outlook is less than good. Stocks tank.

Welcome to Alpha Dawg! My almost daily note about global self-directed investing and trading. You get all my trading ideas, analysis, and novel ways to manage risk in these volatile markets. I hope you enjoy the content. I aim for about 500 words or a 2 minute read.

Alpha – noun

abnormal investing returns, the edge of a strategy in excess of market returns

What about peak inflation?

I was firmly in the “peak inflation” camp after April’s CPI number. Now, today’s CPI data torpedoes my thesis.

So, I’m back to square one with my inflation outlook. Going forward, I think it’s safe to assume inflation will remain high and consumers just have to get used to it.

US inflation CPI - May 2022 - US department of labor statistics

Adding to the discomfort, inflation is not peaking, nor is it cooling when looking at month-over-month data. Despite stripping out food and energy, we still have red hot inflation. Checkout the chart below.

CPI excluding food and energy has declined two months in a row. Clearly, energy and food prices are driving record headline inflation in the US.

US inflation CPI excluding food and energy- May 2022 - US department of labor statistics

Inventory builds up

Inventory build ups at Target and Walmart offers a glimmer of hope that retailers could slash prices to clear the glut. Unfortunately, this is the equivalent of popping a pimple. We need the Fed to crush inflation by hiking rates. But they’re moving at a snail pace. Relief for the consumer is a ways off.

Alpha Dog trade update

The Ensign Energy Services trade was stopped out today. No big deal. That’s part of trading. Regardless of the outcome, I still like oil drillers while oil is north of $120. I will look for an opportunity to re-enter this trade.

Sticking with tight risk parameters is the only way to avoid blowing up your trading account.

Looking back, perhaps I should have waited until after the CPI data release today. Don’t trade ahead of inflation data releases.

Overall, I’m a big believer in the energy sector bull market. It’s the one sector that’s in a solid uptrend.

Never fight the trend. Trend is your friend.


By all means, inflation is like a wildfire at the moment fueled by hurricane force winds. During times of stress and volatility, the best course of action is to reduce your level of risk. For short-term traders this can be accomplished by trading smaller positions sizes and sticking to risk parameters. Long-term investors could care less.

Thanks for reading!

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