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How To Write SEO Content

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Do you want to learn how to write SEO content that Google loves?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a term we’re all familiar with.  In the same fashion, your site must appeal to Google’s search and web crawling algorithms.  In this post I’ll give you the keys to getting more clicks and more eyeballs.

Obviously, we all rely on Google’s search engine to supply us with useful and relevant content.  Nobody’s arguing that fact.

As an entrepreneur or a blogger, the big question is: how do I write content that resonates with Google? Or put another way, how do I get my content to show up in Google searches?

Back to Basics:  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 101


By and large, SEO is the practice of increasing the quality and quantity of traffic to your website for free.

a chain link

The trick is to write SEO content that targets your audience.  Of course, you will need to keep in mind what Google is looking for.  With that in mind, you will need to research keywords that are relevant to your audience.

The key is to create content that attracts search engines and appeals to your audience.  Easier said than done!

Remember, to help your content rank well with Google, you’ll have to do plenty of keyword research.


Write headlines that grab readers by the eyeballs and entice them to read your content.  In fact, it’s a great idea to include keywords in your headlines.  All  things considered, it’s better to write a headline that’s sensational.  So go for it!

Meta Descriptions

It’s important that you write quality meta descriptions.  To summarize, a meta description is a 155 character summary of your content.  Even though Google ranking does not use them your reader will.  Try writing your meta descriptions in one clear descriptive sentence.


The building blocks of the internet are links.  Make sure you add links to your content.  You can either link (internal) to other content you’ve created or to other websites (external).  So don’t’ be shy, add lots of links to your content.


When you target your audience with laser focused keywords Google will notice.  When you craft a clear meta description your audience will notice.  When you add links to your content Google and your audience will notice.

All the above sends a message to Google your content matters.  If your content matters, Google will increase your rankings.

The best content is written with the goal of appealing to both Google’s search engine and your audience.