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Align Tech Stock Shines

Align Technology Inc Profits Explode

Align Tech (NASDAQ: algn) stock shines as investors continue to buy up shares. In fact, the rally is stronger than I anticipated.

Invisalign – Align Technology’s flagship product is one of a kind. Clearly, Align’s use of 3D printing for mass production is unique. Also, management’s focus on keeping costs in check will help the bottom line.

Furthermore, their strategic patent inventory is a game changer.  Granted, this should give Align a big advantage over its competitors.

For this reason, Align is leading a digital transformation of the dentistry industry. Also, a lack of competition is helping the company grow. Investors rejoice!

Align Technology Inc Profits Explode

Now, have a look at the daily price chart. It goes without saying, a strong rally is underway. And sellers are nowhere to be found.

Align Tech Stock Shines


So, Align Tech stock shines and is attracting buyers. All things considered, it’s difficult to a find company that can use technology to create a new market. Or transform an existing one. But Align has done it!

Align Technology is a trail blazer. As a result, how you get a better smile is easier than ever. Better yet, people love to spend money if it makes them look attractive.

Be sure to check out the Ultimate Portfolio + page. Here you will find all the great companies that are making investors big money.

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