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Stocks Are Set To SOAR Because of Inflation

stock market rally bull market

Stocks are set to soar because of inflation. It’s hard to not to notice the jump in consumer prices. Everything from groceries to gasoline costs more. But where’s the proof? We need data. Okay, not a problem. Let’s look at two factors: wages and debt. Wages Check out the Economic Policy Institute wage tracker. Here […]

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Coinbase Stock Slide Continues

bitcoin and cryptocurrencies

Coinbase stock (COIN – NASDAQ) slide continues to frustrate enthusiastic investors. No doubt, if you’re a seasoned investor you’ve been through this meat grinder before. I mean buying an IPO or direct listing on day one. Of course, justified by not wanting to miss out. Sound familiar? Hopefully, if you’re in this situation you didn’t […]

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Coinbase Stock Slides After Direct Listing

bitcoin and cryptocurrencies

Coinbase stock (COIN – nasdaq) went public on April 14th at $250 per share. To little surprise, the price surged to $430 on its first day trading. Since then, it’s been a downhill slide. Savvy investors should seriously consider using the current weakness as a buying opportunity. Why? Well, Coinbase stock is the first crypto […]

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Gold Bugs Continue to Suffer

The large majority of gold investors are gold bugs and suffer from the tragic flaw of tunnel vision. What is a gold bug? Simply put, a gold bug is an investor who dislikes paper money or fiat currency. Similarly, a gold bug wants the economy to return to the gold standard. Not surprisingly, a gold […]