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The Trade Desk Transforms Ad Spending

the trade desk a picture of tiles spelling the word adwords

The Trade Desk Inc. (TTD – Nasdaq) is one of the most innovative technology companies in the world.  Yet nobody knows they exist. In reality, media companies have been providing customers bad choices for a long time.  Customers have to pay for channels they don’t want.  As a result, media companies raked in the profits.  […]

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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM) Is Set To Dominate

a picture of a semiconductor chip

Technology stocks are set to soar to new highs, and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSM – NYSE) is set to dominate the microprocessor market. Financial TV experts claim otherwise, but intelligent investors ignore their rubbish.  Ever since January 2020, cable TV networks like CNBC, MSNBC and Bloomberg have warned investors that carnage awaits the technology sector.  […]