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Markets gone wild

risk management strategies

Markets gone wild! That’s an understatement given today’s price action. Equities cratered at the open only to rally and wipe out losses!

Last week I wrote a post about fear trades. Well, today checked off two of the three conditions.

So, what does that mean going forward?

Indeed, today many weak hands were flushed from the market. Leveraged funds have sold, and shorts still need to cover. This tells me there is some room for equities to run to the upside. But how much?

On the flip side, we have Central Banks shifting to tightening policies to combat inflation. This leave the door open to the risk of policy error. This fact needs to be respected.

markets gone wild

In light of this fact, I thought a crash course in risk management might be helpful. For instance, the following bullet list is a sound place to start.

  • Be realistic, no bull market lasts forever.
  • Seek skewed risk/reward trades and opportunities.
  • Cut your losses and let profits run.
  • Reduce risk when volatility rises.

This list is simple to understand and concise. Sometimes, you know, the markets gone wild!


To be sure, risk management cuts way deeper than this list. However, to invest or trade without deploying a risk management is a recipe for risk of ruin. On the positive side, today’s setup with the VIX up and a capitulated market, we have a potential skewed risk/reward trade. Namely a long equity ETF trade opportunity.

Remember trade and invest on your own terms and manage your risk prudently. Only you can do this.

Happy Trading!

My definition of a fear trade post –>

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