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Gold Bugs Continue to Suffer

The large majority of gold investors are gold bugs and suffer from the tragic flaw of tunnel vision. What is a gold bug? Simply put, a gold bug is an investor who dislikes paper money or fiat currency. Similarly, a gold bug wants the economy to return to the gold standard. Not surprisingly, a gold […]

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Gold Streaming Companies Set To Dominate

a picture of a gold bar, gold mining stocks

Gold and silver streaming companies are not on investor’s radars at the moment.  For this reason, they deserve a closer look. But what are gold and silver streaming companies? Simply put, a streaming company provides funding to a mining company in exchange for either: Partial ownership of the mine, or An agreement to buy a […]

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Gold Mining Stocks Continue To Consolidate

gold bars, gold mining stocks

Anyone who invests in gold mining stocks must have a high risk tolerance.  Or be completely crazy! Gold mining might be the most difficult business to operate.  For one thing, expensive exploration and infrastructure builds must be undertaken first.  Only then can profits roll in. Given the high risk, why are investors fascinated with gold? […]

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Gold Investor’s Dig In Their Heels

gold bars, gold mining stocks

For those of you who like to review charts, the gold market setup is very interesting at the moment. Take a look at the chart below and notice the base that has formed since the early August peak in gold prices. Yesterday, sellers pushed gold prices below this important support level. Interestingly enough, buyers stepped […]