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The Trade Desk Transforms Ad Spending

the trade desk a picture of tiles spelling the word adwords

The Trade Desk Inc. (TTD – Nasdaq) is one of the most innovative technology companies in the world.  Yet nobody knows they exist.

In reality, media companies have been providing customers bad choices for a long time.  Customers have to pay for channels they don’t want.  As a result, media companies raked in the profits.  Finally, the cable bundling golden goose has come to an end.

In 2007 everything changed.  Netflix and other streamers emerged as customers demanded more.  They wanted choice, not expensive force fed cable bundles.  Not surprisingly, advertising around digital content became dominated by Facebook and Alphabet (Google).  Yet, outside of those platforms a giant void existed.

As such, innovators seized the opportunity.  They offered a cutting edge, programmatic digital ad placement platform.  In simple terms, the company operates like a stock exchange.  They offer digital ad space across internet properties not owned by Facebook or Alphabet (Google).

The Trade Desk does not own any content.  They only sell digital advertising space.  As a result, the company focuses on content deals with media giants like Amazon, Disney, Alibaba, and Tencent.  Besides, global brands like Nike and Under Armour use the platform as well.

Digital ads are the future.  Traditional advertising around sporting events and hit dramas still have a place.  But, digital ads are measurable, automated and priced in real time.   The bottom line, The Trade Desk makes digital advertising easy, effective and at an ultra low cost.

the trade desk stock price chart

Conclusion – The Trade Desk Inc.

The Trade Desk will soon become a household name.  Investors who act now and buy this unknown company will be one of the first to the party.

Have you heard of MongoDB?  This is another technology company flying under the radar, but won’t be for long.  MongoDB‘s future prospects are bright and share the same unknown factor just like The Trade Desk.