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TTD Stock Ready for Next Leg Higher?

the trade desk a picture of tiles spelling the word adwords

The secret to success is innovation and ttd stock (TTD – NASDAQ) dominates the market for ad spending in a special way. Better yet, competitors are way behind and are playing catch up.

Not surprisingly, advertising around digital content became dominated by Facebook and Alphabet ( aka. Google).  Yet, outside of those platforms a giant void exists.

Enter The Trade Desk ….

Due to innovation and timing earnings and cash flow continue to trend in the right direction.

Okay, if you need the numbers to make a decision, here is a link to the latest quarterly financials.

No doubt, the screenshot below shows the company’s cash flow numbers which are fantastic!

ttd stock

So, management has the company headed in the right direction. And the digital transformation of ad spending is just beginning. Accordingly, the potential for massive earnings growth is a very real possibility.

The Trade Desk is not alone. Undoubtedly, other digital transformation companies are front and center like: (just to name a few …. )

  • Amazon Inc.
  • MongoDB Inc.
  • Palantir Technologies Inc.
  • Schrodinger Inc.

The pandemic has accelerated the pace at which things change. In fact, if a company is not focused on their own digital transformation, trouble might be on the horizon.

As an illustration, the chart below identifies how momentum has shifted to the upside. TTD stock is technically setup for a significant breakout.

ttd stock


TTD stock declined 25% since the end of the year. That’s great news if you have been waiting for a pull back.

In a word, “buy weakness and sell strength“.

You can’t go wrong with this classic Wall Street proverb. I live by it!

So, if you want more actionable intel checkout my Ultimate Portfolio + page. Here you get a full list of stocks that are set to explode higher. Not only that, it’s packed with fundamental and technical analysis.

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