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Russian invades Ukraine, what should you do?

Russia invades Ukraine

Russian invades Ukraine, what should you do? Well, for starters, don’t panic. No one ever made a dime making investment decisions charged with emotional nonsense.

The chart below shows Russian stocks tanking 50% today. To be clear, Russian stocks have bounced massively off the lows this morning, but investors still lost 3 years of gains in one day! Extraordinary!

Russian stocks downs 50% after invasion of Ukraine
Russian stocks fall 50% after Ukraine invasion

What is the fallout for Russian? Without a doubt sanctions will cut deep into foreign investment. As a result, investors will look elsewhere for opportunities. Furthermore, if Russia seeks a regime change, they’ll have to take on the onerous financial obligations related to Ukraine. With this in mind, how will Russian finance itself if they are shutout of international markets? The price tag is going to be enormous.


Indeed, this is a huge geopolitical event right now. At least for now, it is still not obvious to me if it will have a persistent impact on non-Russian markets. Looking back at previous wars: Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq War and Crimean annexation, all turned out to be major bottoms and legendary buying opportunities. Certainly, wars are scary and tragic but don’t seem to impact corporate earnings or equity markets for very long.

Is this time different? Maybe, maybe not.

The trouble is stocks were weak before the invasion. Markets are trying to balance the massive Fed gasoline fueled stock speculation party of 2021. Despite this, next month higher interest rates will be a reality as global Central Banks gear up to fight inflation. Bottom line, party’s are fun but hangovers not so much.


All things considered, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has rattled global markets. Volatility is up big time and this usually signals a bottom. For a risk point of view, as I finish up this post the QQQs (NASDAQ 100) technology heavy index is up on the day after opening down >3.5%. This reminds me of the Wall Street proverb, “buy weakness and sell strength.”

One possible outcome could be permanently higher energy prices. Russian relies heavily on exported energy products as a source of revenue. So, energy prices might be the primary weapon used by both Russian and the West.

Yesterday I wrote a piece about opportunities in QQQs and how to setup a low risk/high reward trade –>

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