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Bye bye money printing

Money printing or more accurately called credit creation is the driving force behind economic growth and bull markets. How do we correctly measure money creation? There are two ways real economy money is created: Contrary to popular opinion, when central banks pursue quantitative easing (QE) they don’t create real economy money, instead bank reserves are […]

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Chair Powell step up to the microphone

(482 words – 4 minute read) Will Chair J. Powell step up to the microphone and tell speculators that risky assets have no business trading at these elevated levels? I dunno, but it’s all that matters today. Powell speaks at noon today, so be prepared for heighted volatility. I wonder if Powell changes his dovish […]

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How to play the Fed into year end

How to play the Fed into year end? An interesting question that’s on everyone’s mind after yesterday’s FOMC meeting. The FOMC hiked the terminal rate by 75bps. Not a surprise, the hike was baked into the market, but Powell’s comments afterwards during the press conference were not. Thereby illuminating year end investment decisions. Here’s how […]