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Bear market bounce

Bear market bounces are fun to watch, but hard to trade. Market Narrative The dominate market thesis lately was higher rates is bad news for equities, so why take any risk. Nobody did and down go stocks. However, the tone changed on September 28th as US 10yr yields peaked a hair under 4%. Since then, […]

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Is inflation sticky?

Is inflation sticky? No doubt, the ability to accurately forecast inflation is in question. After all, economists 2021 – 2022 inflation forecasts completely missed the mark. Are their models wrong? I think so. In light of this failure, it makes sense to follow the data and make your own forecast. There are different measures like […]

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Leading indicators say short stocks

Leading indicators say short stocks into the Fed Sept 21st meeting as inflation expectations fail to cooperate with falling energy prices. Investor hopes of rapidly declining inflation is turning out to be a pipe dream of epic proportions. Inflation expectations Today’s CPI data release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics came in hot at 8.25%, […]

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China’s economic engine sputters

China’s economic engine sputters as the “recession imminent” theme tries to dethrone the dominant “goldilocks” narrative. What does this mean for my overall market thesis? That stock prices rise into Jackson Hole on August 27th, and then begin to slide into Halloween. Not much, the market is fixated on inflation and CPI. To recap, yesterday […]