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2022 Stock Market Predictions

inflation destroys your savings

2022 stock market predictions are common to start a new year. Not surprisingly, Wall Street loves to parade out fund managers and analysts with their crystal balls and pixie dust. Well, I think this year I will do the same with the warning that I’m a flexible investor, so my opinion does change if the […]

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Treasury yield curve and inflation expectations look lousy

US Capitol

Treasury yield curve and inflation expectations look lousy and the stock market continues higher. The narrative around inflation is a hot topic on Wall Street and Washington these days. From the markets perspective, we are in the beginning stages of a tightening cycle. Surely, some will argue the Fed decision to taper yesterday is not […]

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It’s back. Ultimate Investor Update – Ep. 11

ultimate investor update

Yep, that’s right! It’s back, the Ultimate Investor Update #11. The point of this article is to quickly review global finance and determine if it’s safe to own risk assets. I do that by covering 3-5 markets each update. Sometimes I dive deep into a particular market because a huge narrative has surfaced unexpectedly. Often […]

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Non-farm payrolls surprise

us dollar

Non-farm payrolls surprise economists, driven by easing of pandemic restrictions. Shocker, eh! That was this mornings headline response to the monthly non-farm payrolls data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Non-farm payroll highlights: employment rose by 943,000, expected 845,000, best since August 2020 Unemployment rate slid to 5.4%, expected 5.7% increase driven by growth […]

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Ultimate Investor Update – Ep. 10

ultimate investor update

Making use of market technical analysis gives you a competitive advantage and a boost to the bottom line. This article, or update, aims to give you all the important information to keep your portfolio on track. Of course, if things get crazy, you’ll find out what trades to make right here. Holy Grail Markets To […]

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Inflation and the Bond Market

congress federal reserve

Inflation and the bond market have puzzled investors since forever. Surely you’ve noticed the price of everything seems to be going up these days. But, is inflation taking root in our daily lives like the financial TV networks claim? Without a doubt understanding inflation is important. More importantly, the difference between inflation and deflation is […]