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Easy Money Drives Bull Market Higher

US Capitol

Last week a hawkish Federal Reserve broadcasted a conflicting message to investors. Well, don’t be confused by the FedSpeak. Easy money is hear to stay. To be clear, easy money policies by the Federal Reserve is a key reason why the current bull market continues to surge higher with no end in sight. Regardless, for […]

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Sector Rotation Trade Heats Up

sector rotation trade

Reversal of February’s sector rotation trade heats up. Back in March of this year I highlighted the sector rotation trade unfolding in the equity markets. Of course, now the reverse is happening. Regardless, spotting sector rotation trades is an easy way to make money buying stocks. Although this may be true, spotting sector rotations early […]

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Apple Stock Breakout

apple stock aapl

Today the Apple stock breakout (AAPL: NASDAQ) is hard to miss. Very rarely does a stock chart look as bullish as Apple’s does today. No doubt, most people have heard of Apple and know the company makes amazing products. Customer loyalty is undeniable. Better yet, customers will pay up for Apple products. Not to mention […]

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Stocks Are Set To SOAR Because of Inflation

stock market rally bull market

Stocks are set to soar because of inflation. It’s hard to not to notice the jump in consumer prices. Everything from groceries to gasoline costs more. But where’s the proof? We need data. Okay, not a problem. Let’s look at two factors: wages and debt. Wages Check out the Economic Policy Institute wage tracker. Here […]

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Congress Gives U.S. Tech A Leg Up On China

congress federal reserve

Congress is scared stiff of China’s growing technological power. Indeed, this week Congress dropped the gloves so to speak. In fact, the Senate passed the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act. A massive bill pouring $200 billion plus on China’s ambition to dominate new technologies. Ultimately, the goal is to blunt China’s influence over 5G, quantum […]

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Coinbase Stock Slides After Direct Listing

bitcoin and cryptocurrencies

Coinbase stock (COIN – nasdaq) went public on April 14th at $250 per share. To little surprise, the price surged to $430 on its first day trading. Since then, it’s been a downhill slide. Savvy investors should seriously consider using the current weakness as a buying opportunity. Why? Well, Coinbase stock is the first crypto […]