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Schrödinger Stock Set to Soar With New AI Software

Schrodinger stock set to soar

Schrodinger stock continues to fly under the radar despite their game changing technology. For years pharmaceutical companies have struggled to develop new drugs. For one thing it takes a long time to bring a drug to market and it’s expensive. Schrödinger solves this problem by using artificial intelligence and machine learning to: Accelerate drug development, […]

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Ultimate Investor Update – Ep. 4

ultimate investor update

The Ultimate Market update is your official source for a stock market update. So, a lot is happening in the markets right now. Most notably is the Gamestop short squeeze. If you are trading Gamestop you might want to checkout my post about the situation and how to trade it. To summarize, the easy money […]

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How to Trade Gamestop (gme stock) the Easy Way

gamestop gme stock

GameStop stock (GME-NYSE) spiked more than 100% as retail investors get caught up in the hysteria. The wild trading sessions over the past few days is what Wall Street calls a “Short Squeeze“. A short squeeze happens when a short seller (someone betting the stock price will fall) buys back their short position in a […]

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Ultimate Investor Update – Ep. 3

ultimate investor update

The Ultimate Investor Update is your source for market information. If you’re looking for quick actionable market information – this is it! For the purpose of getting you the best information, let’s recap the key points from the last update. Opinions change, so be flexible Gold versus the US dollar – correlation nonsense Bond holders […]

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Align Tech Stock Shines

Align Technology Inc Profits Explode

Align Tech (NASDAQ: algn) stock shines as investors continue to buy up shares. In fact, the rally is stronger than I anticipated. Invisalign – Align Technology’s flagship product is one of a kind. Clearly, Align’s use of 3D printing for mass production is unique. Also, management’s focus on keeping costs in check will help the […]

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The Great Interest Rate Differential

an illustration of the wall street stock bull market

The Great Interest Rate Differential explains what is driving the biggest bull market ever in stocks. So, do you know why the stock market keeps setting new highs during a global pandemic? Then how can this be? Business are forced to close. Populations are locked down. Bankruptcies are at an all time high. Yet stocks […]

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Trump Madness Good For Stocks

Donald Trump

Trump madness is a sight unimagined. Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse…. But, isn’t the bull market a sight to behold? So, can anything stop stocks from moving higher? Checkout today’s chart of the S&P 500. Isn’t it astonishing the day after Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill stock markets open higher! To say […]