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Roblox is unique to the gaming industry

Roblox corporation

One of the first lessons taught in business is diversification. Spread your risk around so you don’t blow up on a single idea. The gaming industry is no exception. Game developer Take Two Interactive and big tech Microsoft are in acquisition mode in the gaming space. Indeed, there is massive interest in the future of […]

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Technology stocks are under pressure, again

congress federal reserve

Technology stocks are under pressure again as investors face the end of the Federal Reserve’s Quantitative Easing measures. The chart below of the ETF “QQQ” illustrates the dangerous position technology stocks are facing. Do prices collapse from here, or do we get a solid bottom and begin a new rally? To be sure, that’s anyone’s […]

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It’s back. Ultimate Investor Update – Ep. 11

ultimate investor update

Yep, that’s right! It’s back, the Ultimate Investor Update #11. The point of this article is to quickly review global finance and determine if it’s safe to own risk assets. I do that by covering 3-5 markets each update. Sometimes I dive deep into a particular market because a huge narrative has surfaced unexpectedly. Often […]

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Technology Stocks Rocket Higher

big tech

Technology stocks rocket higher once again. But, is there room to run higher? Savvy investors have been riding the technology trade since the Tech Bubble. Fortunately, the technology bull run is just getting started. As a matter of fact, the digital transformation that’s sweeping the globe is just the beginning. Ironically, it was a global […]