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Ultimate Investor Update – Ep. 3

ultimate investor update

The Ultimate Investor Update is your source for market information. If you’re looking for quick actionable market information – this is it! For the purpose of getting you the best information, let’s recap the key points from the last update. Opinions change, so be flexible Gold versus the US dollar – correlation nonsense Bond holders […]

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Align Tech Stock Shines

Align Technology Inc Profits Explode

Align Tech (NASDAQ: algn) stock shines as investors continue to buy up shares. In fact, the rally is stronger than I anticipated. Invisalign – Align Technology’s flagship product is one of a kind. Clearly, Align’s use of 3D printing for mass production is unique. Also, management’s focus on keeping costs in check will help the […]

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Trump Madness Good For Stocks

Donald Trump

Trump madness is a sight unimagined. Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse…. But, isn’t the bull market a sight to behold? So, can anything stop stocks from moving higher? Checkout today’s chart of the S&P 500. Isn’t it astonishing the day after Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill stock markets open higher! To say […]

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Align Technology Inc Profits Explode

Align Technology Inc Profits Explode

Align Technology’s (NASDAQ: algn) most recent quarterly results were spectacular.  Indeed, when profits start to roll in the stock price rises.  Not to mention, profits are up 50% year-over-year. But, Wall Street analysts fail to see the potential of Invisalign.  At first glance, invisible orthodontics seem boring.  However, behind the scenes Align has managed to […]

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Salesforce Stock On Sale

salesforce stock on sale

Christmas came early for investors and Salesforce stock is on sale. Why is the stock on sale?  Well, it comes down to how Wall Street operates. According to MarketWatch, Citi analyst Walther Pritchard downgraded the stock to “neutral”.  Not surprisingly, traders jumped on the opportunity to hammer the stock.  In reality, the selling pressure is […]

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COVID Cases Surge – Market Yawns

covid-19 cases surge

As COVID-19 cases surge in the developed world, stock markets continue to rise. Not surprisingly, financial TV is spinning the worry wheel again.  That’s what mainstream media does.  After all, the old saying goes, “If it bleeds it leads.” So, if you are looking for solid information about COVID-19 check out the world sick map.  […]