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Market Update: up or down is anyone’s guess

financial planning treasure map

It’s been a while since I posted a market update. So, without delay here is your global macro setup as we approach mid-February.

To summarize, we have a bit of a tricky setup at the moment. First off, global Central Banks are trying to pivot to a tightening monetary policy without upsetting the apple cart. In the face of raging inflation, our monetary master’s appear in no hurry to raise rates. In fact, the snail pace is leaving many seasoned traders dialing back risk until a clearer picture emerges.

It might be wise for us all to step back and assess our equity risk and perhaps take some defensive action.

US Dollar – DXY

Clearly, there is no shortage of demand for US dollars. US capital markets remain the deepest and most liquid in the world. Indeed, all the liquidity created by quantitative easing needs to find a home. And the best looking house on the block is US equities.

US Dollar Index DXY chart
Demand for US dollars remains strong

US Bond Market – US 10-year Treasury Note (Yield)

US rates are on the move higher as the market prepares for rate hikes this March. However, looking back to pre-pandemic levels reveals an interesting dichotomy. Evidently, rates and inflation are out of whack. Today we’re dealing with raging inflation and artificially surprised interest rates. What’s more, if you look back to pre-pandemic levels, during 2018 CPI is ~2% and the 10-year yield is ~3.2%. Today CPI is >7% and the 10-year yield is ~2%. Houston we have a problem!

10 year US treasury yield chart
Rates have been higher with lower inflation since 2018

Without a doubt, it’s hard to keep a straight face when explaining yield movements since inflation started “gettin jiggy wit it” this past summer.

Just to be clear ,global Central Banks are WAY behind the inflation curve!

US Stocks – SPY ETF

Meanwhile, stocks continue to march higher even in the face of heightened of volatility. Equity investor’s appear to have not received the message, “rates are going higher.” Or, they have and just don’t care. One thing stands out on the chart, “buy the dip” is still a strategy that works! At least for now.

S&P500 spy price chart ETF
Never short a bull market


Clearly, the equity bull market is still in tact, but a few cracks have appeared. Sooner or later the bull market will end. But, until rates rise to a level closely resembling CPI (7%), investor’s only shot to beat inflation on real terms is to tough it out in the stock market.

One final note, the NASDAQ 100 tech heavy index has now failed twice to breakout above it’s 200 day moving average. This is a bearish technical setup!

QQQ two failed breakouts
NASDAQ 100 still looks toppy

What a fear trade looks like –>

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