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Technology stocks are under pressure, again

congress federal reserve

Technology stocks are under pressure again as investors face the end of the Federal Reserve’s Quantitative Easing measures. The chart below of the ETF “QQQ” illustrates the dangerous position technology stocks are facing. Do prices collapse from here, or do we get a solid bottom and begin a new rally? To be sure, that’s anyone’s […]

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Treasury yield curve and inflation expectations look lousy

US Capitol

Treasury yield curve and inflation expectations look lousy and the stock market continues higher. The narrative around inflation is a hot topic on Wall Street and Washington these days. From the markets perspective, we are in the beginning stages of a tightening cycle. Surely, some will argue the Fed decision to taper yesterday is not […]

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Inflation and the Bond Market

congress federal reserve

Inflation and the bond market have puzzled investors since forever. Surely you’ve noticed the price of everything seems to be going up these days. But, is inflation taking root in our daily lives like the financial TV networks claim? Without a doubt understanding inflation is important. More importantly, the difference between inflation and deflation is […]