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Sector Rotation Picking Up Speed

sector rotation

Just a quick note to highlight the sector rotation picking up speed as markets trade today. Being able to spot sector rotation trades is a good way to make money buying stocks. In light of the rally in treasury yields, technology stocks have succumb to heavy selling today. Also, stock eft SPY (spy – nyse) […]

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Stocks Stage Bullish Breakout

an illustration of the wall street stock bull market

Absent from Financial TV is the fact stocks stage bullish breakout as the US election results linger. Skeptical that stocks can rise further has left investors stuck on the sidelines. That’s a recipe for disaster! The market does not care what investors “think” about the direction of prices.  In the end, the stock market is […]

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Is it safe to buy stocks?

stock bull market

Is it safe to buy stocks right now? Did you feel markets might freak out over the US election?  Most of us felt some unease.  As a result, a lot of nervous cash is sitting on the sidelines.  But not for long. More importantly, control of the Senate and future stimulus plans fuel investor anxiety. […]