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Sector Rotation Trade Heats Up

sector rotation trade

Reversal of February’s sector rotation trade heats up. Back in March of this year I highlighted the sector rotation trade unfolding in the equity markets. Of course, now the reverse is happening. Regardless, spotting sector rotation trades is an easy way to make money buying stocks. Although this may be true, spotting sector rotations early […]

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Coinbase Stock Slide Continues

bitcoin and cryptocurrencies

Coinbase stock (COIN – NASDAQ) slide continues to frustrate enthusiastic investors. No doubt, if you’re a seasoned investor you’ve been through this meat grinder before. I mean buying an IPO or direct listing on day one. Of course, justified by not wanting to miss out. Sound familiar? Hopefully, if you’re in this situation you didn’t […]

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Sector Rotation Picking Up Speed

sector rotation

Just a quick note to highlight the sector rotation picking up speed as markets trade today. Being able to spot sector rotation trades is a good way to make money buying stocks. In light of the rally in treasury yields, technology stocks have succumb to heavy selling today. Also, stock eft SPY (spy – nyse) […]

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Ultimate Investor Update – Ep. 5

ultimate investor update

You found it! Your official source for stock market information. Are you looking for stock ideas? If so, checkout the Ultimate Investor+ page. That being said, a lot is happening in the markets these days. To recap, Retail investors are manipulating markets like Gamestop (GME – NYSE) Federal Reserve struggles to keep a lid on […]

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How to Make Money Online Using the Stock Market

defined benefit pension chart with an arrow pointing down

Here’s the perfect solution if you want to make money online using the stock market. To be sure, most people, including most “day traders” do not understand how the economy works. Therefore, how can they make money? Or you for that matter? Granted that this is true, you can learn the fundamentals. In fact, understanding […]

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Is it safe to buy stocks?

stock bull market

Is it safe to buy stocks right now? Did you feel markets might freak out over the US election?  Most of us felt some unease.  As a result, a lot of nervous cash is sitting on the sidelines.  But not for long. More importantly, control of the Senate and future stimulus plans fuel investor anxiety. […]

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US Election Thoughts A Day Later

stock trading

Stock markets are finally trading post US election results.  Well, not really.  We still don’t have an official result.  But investors appear to care less. Take a look at the NASDAQ 100 price chart below.  In three trading sessions we’ve managed to rise within striking distance of an all time new high!  Incredible! Technical analysis […]